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Josh Hutcherson Dunks On ‘Overwatch’ Console Players

If you’re a console player, you’ll know PC gamers love dunking on you. They just can’t help it. It’s a hereditary thing.

That said, the disrespect has never been as great as it was this Thursday during an Overwatch League stream when Hunger Games and Polar Express actor Josh Hutcherson capitalized an easy opportunity to roast console Overwatch players.

If you follow Hutcherson, you’ll know he’s a pretty big Overwatch fan, like many of us. And during a recent Overwatch League Stream, he was invited on stage to talk about the game, but rather than reveal who his main is or who he is rooting for in Overwatch League, he decided to tap into the oldest war known to man: PC overlords vs console peasants.

More specfically, during halftime of the Los Angeles Valiant and Philadelphia Fusion match on Thursday, host Malik Forte at one point asked Hutcherson who on stage, including Forte, would be able to save the world on the back of their video game skill.

“Well… you play console,” said Hutcherson savagely. Of course this prompted the crowd to erupt in laughter and variant noises that translate to “oh damn.” “You like tickling the sticks,” Hutcherson then added. Of course, Forte was caught off guard by the playful dunk as much as the crowd was.

Overwatch is available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. At the moment of publishing, there’s been no word of a Nintendo Switch port, which looks very unlikely at this point, even if it hasn’t been completely ruled out yet.
